
The truth about how humankind come to be

And today it all came to me and it all finally makes sense. It took me quite a lot of years, meditations, trips to dreamscape, even watching a lot of seemingly random videos on youtube.

First some form of disclaimer. What I'm going to tell you is "my current version of truth" or what I call it - its closest to my current understanding of the inner workings of the universe. Take it or leave it, but try to at least think about it. Maybe it will somehow fit in your current or future version of truth.

Did you ever thought about how music is important part of your life? Why music influences people in very strange ways? Music can soothe your mind, music can even heal your body. Why? Because humankind was made like that.

Current people are distant descendants of biological robots made by Anunnaki quite long ago. According to old Sumerian legends people were actually made as a hybrid between "local" humanoids and Anunnaki to make race of servants to work in Earths gold mines. People have even build-in diagnostics.

And according to this video, people are quite sensitive to certain frequencies. And in this video, you can see (among other interesting things), that human brain have small organ (pineal gland), that works like eye but somehow inside out - it reacts to certain sound frequencies by producing light.

Anunnaki are pictured quite often with pine cone in their hands. Those were actually devices to control humans using sound waves and using pineal gland as receptor. Some people believe, that you can somehow use pineal to "unlock your full potential". That actually may be true, but I believe that Anunnaki did not needed workers with potential. So they used pine cone like devices to deliberately lock that potential and make good and obedient workers.

Seems that their grip on our consciousness is slowly loosening. We are certainly living in interesting times.

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