
The truth about how humankind come to be

And today it all came to me and it all finally makes sense. It took me quite a lot of years, meditations, trips to dreamscape, even watching a lot of seemingly random videos on youtube.

First some form of disclaimer. What I'm going to tell you is "my current version of truth" or what I call it - its closest to my current understanding of the inner workings of the universe. Take it or leave it, but try to at least think about it. Maybe it will somehow fit in your current or future version of truth.

Did you ever thought about how music is important part of your life? Why music influences people in very strange ways? Music can soothe your mind, music can even heal your body. Why? Because humankind was made like that.

Current people are distant descendants of biological robots made by Anunnaki quite long ago. According to old Sumerian legends people were actually made as a hybrid between "local" humanoids and Anunnaki to make race of servants to work in Earths gold mines. People have even build-in diagnostics.

And according to this video, people are quite sensitive to certain frequencies. And in this video, you can see (among other interesting things), that human brain have small organ (pineal gland), that works like eye but somehow inside out - it reacts to certain sound frequencies by producing light.

Anunnaki are pictured quite often with pine cone in their hands. Those were actually devices to control humans using sound waves and using pineal gland as receptor. Some people believe, that you can somehow use pineal to "unlock your full potential". That actually may be true, but I believe that Anunnaki did not needed workers with potential. So they used pine cone like devices to deliberately lock that potential and make good and obedient workers.

Seems that their grip on our consciousness is slowly loosening. We are certainly living in interesting times.


Get to terms with your life

Life is never easy to live. There are better parts and there are worse ones as well. Without those worse ones you would not enjoy those better ones enough. Only good life is boring.

It is easy to blame someone other than yourself. But in the end, your life is only yours and depends only on you how you live it. It took me quite a lot of years to realize this simple truth: only you can live your own life. And in the end its only up to you how you live it.

Few posts ago I wrote that I actually managed to change my life. But it took me another 7 months to get to terms with that. Change of your occupation is the easy part. I realized just today, that I have enough things. My earnings did increase with job change. I bought a few and realized, that its not bad to have all that but my life is not better or happier WITH all of that.

Everyone have that threshold somewhere else. But it takes time to realize that more things does not make you more happy. Most people always need more. The next thing I buy will make me happy. At least for a few moments. But real win is realizing that "I don't need more now, I'm content with what I already have."

I'm not saying that you need to live ascetic life, but minimalist lifestyle actually helps a lot.

Try to pause your life for a second and try to think about all the time you spend getting paid only to give most of your income to state in the form of taxes and spending most of what is left on just things.

Does that make you happier? And for how long?


Telekinesis should work like this....

I felt very strange and powerful presence today next to my bed. Just something moved near my bed. I woke up and then energy (and goosebumps) spread all over my body. When this great feeling faded after a few seconds presence was gone. Either it cannot be felt without that energy or it was spent by that surge.

What amazed me after that I was able to use telekinesis just like I did when I dream. Just point with your open palm to a item, tighten your arm muscles a bit, move your fingers so you catch surrounding filaments, activate your frontal lobe until you feel familiar tingling just behind your forehead then push (with your brain and move your palm a bit). Item should do what you intended.

I'm trying it like that every time I wake up (because it should work once!). It never worked after waking up. Until today. I could tip over lip balsam sitting on bed table. Wow!. Then I used both hands and it start spinning. Even better!

I did a few more tries and it worked like a charm. What was new was that around items I played with start to faintly glow with greenish haze. Very interesting. I never saw anything like that before (and I use that in dreamscape quite often!). I haven't seen new mechanics for years now.

And then... then I woke up again. Damn. So it was another 2nd level dream. And you guessed it, telekinesis stopped working again. I hate those dreams in dreams that teases you that something great finally works while awake and then you find out you not awake enough. Sigh.... Maybe next time.


Grindity grind, burnity burn!

In my last post about wurm I wrote about my big grind and how I planed to grind one of my f2p (free to play) stuff holders to permanent ones (had premium time at east once - never gets deleted).

I must say it was better than expected to start "anew". After about 18 skills to 90+ and a few more not far below that it was I would say refreshing to see those fast skill gains. After first weekend of grind I was at around 50 mining. Wow. Its great when you have all stuff sorted out (deed to live on, high casted tools to use, scale set to wear, high casted huge axe to wield, great food to eat, materials for long grind, know how).

So I started offering my big main character for sale. I had time to sell so I was looking for some serious offer. And before my 1st prem month ended on my now new main toon Lilianth, I got it. After some haggling we agreed on price over 1k EUR for toon with nearly rare scale set and inventory full of casted stuff (I had nowhere to keep it and prices went down, so no point to keep so many).

I went on grinding hard. With my new toon I was able to get to 86.7 mining after just 1 month of near constant mining (took me another 10 days of 2nd prem month to get to 90). That was nearly enough to get to my goal of 30 body strength. But with this being my new main toon goals had to change.

My toon now officially being noob again I needed some usable skills fast. Good I started meditating from day 1 so I was already 20 before I 1st premmed it, at 35 after 1st month and 50 after 2nd (59 after 3rd month). Need 70 fast to get +25% skill gain. Should be like 2 months more.

Now what skill to choose at start? First I want to be able to participate in missions. Because that means more sleep bonus! So I needed a few skills to get to 30 item quality fast to be able to sacrifice them to various gods. That was usually just a few hour quick grind to 20ish. Only FC I needed higher because quite a lot of gods was in need of fine furniture (or strange devices)!

Next goal was to make at least some boat because I sold my last knarr with my toon able to make one (and as Shaylie was out of prem at that time I was unable to quick build one). So I needed at least 30 ship building to make me nice small sail boat. Ok, check - around halfway of my 2nd prem month.

Around that time a good friend of mine invited me to dragon slaying! So I had a day to get some FS going. Few hours to get my huge axe to 20 by killing every tree in sight with it then onto steppe to kill all that moves! FS 14-40 in just a few hours (even a few trolls in the end!) and onto that dragon. Was fun!

Then I wanted some basic gathering skills. I started to plant cotton around my house also from day 1 so I was already at 35 farming at the end of month 1 (nearly 50 after 2nd month). Enough to start CT grind. High quality exquisite meditation rugs are also good to sell so I went hard on that during 3rd month and ended up at 72. One more month and 80ql could be sell-able article again (maybe even 90 if I dedicate enough time to that).

Another good skill to have and one that gives you nice body stats gain is WC. I already have nice small tree farm next to my deed (only a few hundred pines). So cutting all very old and overaged trees twice a month gave me 40 skill after 1st month, 53 after 2nd and 61 after 3rd.

But what skill gave me most income last time? Yeah, good old WS. Its easier to grind it 3rd time around ;) It took me only 3 weeks of hard grind to get to 50 and I ended up with 70 at the end of my 3rd prem month! Close to be able to improve weapons to 80 quality and start selling some again.

So as you can see I keep on grinding and burning (= use effectively) sleep bonus (SB) at that. Every day I try to at least burn bonus I got from last day. But that prove as not enough so I even bought and consumed 7 sleep powders in my 3rd month of prem during long weekend grinds. Time is money :)

Especially burning SB on WS proved quite time consuming. I had only like 100 weapons in forge so I always improved them as high as skill let me, so quite a lot of failures (even with 90ish quality tools with 90ish coc casts). So I always imped all of them with iron and water before turning SB on, then continued imping till all wanted iron/water again. Then SB off, repeat. Good for saving SB where real skill gains occur. Slight problem was that after like 30 min of SB you get more than hour of preparing for next round. With full CCFP from excellent food (thanks, neighbor!) and its bonus to SB timer length I ended up with around 5 hours of "work" to burn 1 hour of SB. Hardcore!

I used even some legal automation (wurm even supports macros). I have keyboard with macro keys. If you use that only to fill your action queue and do not add any pauses between key presses its all good and legal. So I have keys for digging (select shovel on tool belt then dig, dig, dig), tree cutting (select hatchet, cut, cut, cut), same for mining and picking sprouts from trees. Only macro for other skills is imp+repair on bottom left key so it can be pressed easily. Nothing else is needed.

That burning in title have one more meaning. With all this hard grind (not a hour of lazying around when prem is on) pauses between prem months are even more important (at least for me) to not burn out. Its nice to look at those graphs at niarja, but even better is when you get home from work and you DONT have to grind today :)

Maybe I will start using that new prem option for half a month soon :)

Keep on wurming folks!


Week of healing my mind and body

As I wrote in my last post, I did quit my job. And I still think it was one of the best decisions I did. Now I went for a week to a spa & wellness hotel to heal my aching body and clear my troubled mind. You need clear mind to heal your body as I wrote here.

I already was in this very hotel once 2 years ago. And it was also when I was in the process of changing my work. Interesting coincidence. Last time it was still during winter - and I did enjoyed looking out of hot whirlpool through big window on snowy landscape out there. Now there are flowers everywhere where once only snow was (sign perhaps? everything is connected).

Its very helpful for your being to stop once in a while, invest time to your body & mind and think about the course of your life. Clear your mind, let your body heal, enjoy being healed and cared for. Do not let stress and troubles to ruin it (easy to say, harder to do, but I do try).

So now I'm enjoying my massages, relaxation and other treatment procedures doctor ordered me and trying to not bother my mind much with future :)