

I recently wrote this post about what can you expect in this blog.

Hello world!

That was easy. I would say easier than expected. They say its really easy to write your own blog. But it is? We will see. But we (or I) wont see if I never start. So here we go...

I can't say I hate my life. But sometimes it gets quite near it. And its near it for quite some time. So, if you don't love your life, lets change it! Easier said than done. But hey, I just started. Lets say this is first day of my new life. Will it be better than my previous? I hope. And hope is all I have now. If I don't start changing it now, I will probably never start.

I have already experienced quite a lot in my life. Seen things with my eyes and maybe even more interesting things with my dreams / imaginations / inner eye - you name it. Was it all real? You bet it was... not :) But what is real anyway. Sometimes I want *it* to be more real than reality itself. And as my life getting longer and my memory worse, I decided to put it all down for everyone to see, read, talk about. Maybe even my own kids will find it one day and maybe they will understand me more after reading this.

I love my kids. But my path to this sentence was long. Maybe longer than my wife wanted. But yeah, I can finally say I love them. And my feeling towards them and towards her is getting stronger now. But I will get to that in some of my next blogs. Maybe.

So I decided to start writing. Last time I did that, it was long ago, on university. I wrote a few articles for small internal magazine of one student organisation I was in at that time. I wrote about different things. Once it was about how our regional meeting was great, next time it was some short story I imagined after reading some latin spell. Then it was series of increasingly interesting stories (at least that was my feeling from it) about my view of god and my hate to church dressed as an art sci-fi story. I was really surprised that it was chosen by some university people to be included in that years Students Almanach. My biggest "award" to date. Better than most ;)

But lets hope next blog will be more interesting. I will start by writing about my most unreal thing I experienced to date. It will be about me (whatever this may be) getting here (wherever that may be).

So see you next time!

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