
I believe I can fly...

... in dreams. Its really frustrating when you suddenly wake up from a dream and you know that just moments ago you knew how to fly or do some even weirder stuff and now it does not work at all. It should work just by bending your hand that way and then stretching this way as it worked just a minute ago!

Did you ever tried same things as you did in dream what if all of the sudden it starts working again? And it does not. For most of the time anyway. And if it does work somehow (it did happen to me a few times already), you realize, that you woke in a dream into yet another dream. Confusing? As dreams usually are.

I have dreams with flying quite often. At least once a week (or maybe more, but you do not remember all of them - only if you wake up dreaming it). Interesting is that flying is different in some of them. I would say there are at least 2 repeating patterns.

The easier one if you just imagine where you want to fly and you start moving there. You have to push mentally, but still nothing exhausting. Easy to hover in air or to go down and get speed, then you can fly a bit higher than before. Gaining height is not that easy, but doable.

Harder one is also more strange. Seen that quite a few times in my dreams already. Imagine air filled with invisible elastic strings roughly copying earth shape underneath. So if you jump up and do *some weird stuff with your mind*, you can actually land on one of those and remain suspended in air like on a slack-line. Then you can easily slide along those strings down the hill. Fun!

What is more interesting about this "string theory" that you can manipulate them with hand movements too and it works nearly as good as telekinesis. You just visualize that particular string connecting your open hand with desired item and suck it in your palm getting that item with it. Or you can just play with those strings moving items around. When connected with flying its quite amusing and its quite interesting to see other dream-goers around looking at it with awe!


  1. Really clean, neat and interesting post, good job mate!

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