
On dreams and how to control them

Dreams are very fine field of study. Anyone can do it every day. Every time you find something new. But first thing is to get better at finding out you are actually in a dream. I found a few methods to be quite reliable:
  • you can do things you normally can't - flying, telekinesis - you name it
  • everything is a bit hazy and hard to concentrate on details
  • if you focus on something it changes - you cannot read in a dream (or you can but every word changes as you read it)
  • scenes changes too fast and in strange way they don't stitch together well
So if you can fly, its unfortunately a dream. I mean fly by moving your body by your own will from one place to another without the use of some elaborate machine (but even that is cool!). But knowing you are in a dream have its advantages too - you can change it, bend it to your will. Great thing about controlling dreams is no more nightmares! But only if you are good at revealing that you are in a dream.

Imagine this - I can fly, that means this is a dream. If I'm in a dream, I should be able to go through solid wall! You smash your face to one nearby and it works! It is not easy to pass it even in a dream - more like going through thick honey, but it is doable (tested - in my dream just yesterday - or was it yesternight?). And quite interesting is - you don't need to breathe in there, so no problem to go through even very thick walls.

There are quite a lot of levels of dreams. You can think of them as how real and vivid that particular dream seems. The more real dream is, the tougher is to find out its actually a dream.

Next interesting thing about dreams is how fast you forget what they were about. Its nice to have block (or blog - on phone) near bed and make notes about interesting stuff immediately you wake up. 

The more real that dream seems the easier is to remember it even after long years. I still remember one dream I had still as a child. It was one of the most realistic ones I ever had. It was quite short. Just one scene (that made it even harder to find out its a dream when you in it).

I was standing in my parents bedroom looking out of the window and I saw there alien ship slowly flying over neighbors house. It looked like a big glowing zeppelin with strange shiny lines all over it slowly rotating around long axis. I was really glad they finally showed!

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