
Is dreaming safe?

Interesting and relevant question this is: Can I get hurt while dreaming? And I'm not talking about physical harm from real people while you are sleeping. My research of dreams so far lead me to conclusion that dreaming is safe. Mostly.

For normal dreamers usually worst that can happen is nightmares. As I already said here you can fight them.

Source of nightmares can be:
  • environment - uncomfortable bed, sheets or temperature, too much light or noise, people, electronics or machinery nearby, forms of energy or raditions (some people are more sensitive to certains forms of energy and vawes than others) - try to turn off all electronic devices near your bed (especially anything wireless)
  • physical - alcohol, certain drugs, too full stomach, health problems (especially fever) - some easier to cure than others
  • energetic - mostly known as geopathogenic zones - just move your bed, or at east try to sleep with head where your legs were
  • internal - stress, fears and phobias - you can fight them in reality (helpful) or by trying to control your dream and steer away from them
  • external - extraterrestrial or extradimensional beings - this is what the rest of this post is about
Most of what I try to write here about are my speculations or things I deducted from my travels through dreamscape. It can be helpful to you too. But don't take all my thoughts here as definitive truth. Everything in dreams is hazy at best. It is all truth to me until proven wrong.

Those beings are definitely not common. Some are helpful, some are not (those seems to be more common). Some can hurt you willingly, some just by accident or by mere presence. They rarely wander to "common" sleep or your own dreamscape.

But when you are sleeping, your soul (dream-self or residual self-image) is more susceptible to them. They can be drawn to you either by your calling them (can be subconscious) or by some strong emotions (yes, some beings feed on emotions).

I sensed another being in my dream only once and it was quite long time ago. And fortunately it was not trying to hurt me. I could even communicate with it somehow and I got quite a few ideas and pictures from it (was quite similar to me imagining my past lives).

Those beings can harm you quite considerably. Seems that most (maybe even all) so called psychiatric diseases can be caused by them and even some psychosomatic maladies (like digestive problems or some pains or aches).

One way to fight them is to have your astral guide handy when you venture outside your own dreamscape. I got mine before I went to my past lives for first time. If you don't have one yet (or you don't know about it), try to call it in meditation or just focus on some good entity for example from your faith (most of the time just focusing on something you believe that can help you is sufficient).

And hope your focus and your guide will be stronger than this being you stumble upon. But as always try to communicate first, fight later. You never know what you may learn.


Story of my life - chapter 8

Go to chapter 7 (if you missed it)

What a day it was! But lets start from the beginning. I hope I don't miss anything.

We went to that dragon cave in full gear right in the morning. And we went deeper than anytime before. Tremors were more often now. No roaring yet, but we started to feel that something is different. Like that element was much more common down here. And there was very large lump just around this corner. Yikes!

It was not a lump, it was a dragon! And he seen us as soon as we went around that corner. He turned his large head in our direction and immediately opened his mouth. We were barely able to dodge back around that corner. Now its time to flee.

But that dragon was damn quick and was closing in on us fast. Fleeing failed, so lets fight. With back against rock we raised that amulet and it heats up a bit more than usual. But fire was already on its way towards us. But what was that sensation? I could feel the fire as I felt that damn element. And that means I could try to control it. It worked! With all my mind power I shove that flame away.

But dragon was already here. Time to fight. To our big surprise he stopped not far from us. Maybe from shock that flame did not burnt us. Then he looked at our amulet and he started smiling! That was a nice change of pace. And he started talking.

It was about that he did not saw any knights for quite some time and he is sorry to not recognize us earlier. It was long talk, but I was glad it was not fight. Seems that not long ago (according to dragon lifespan) those knights really did fight some evil from deep below and they won.

But it was bitter victory killing all in that fight. And from that day this planet starts to shake more and volcanoes started to spew more lava. Seems that planet core is unstable now. The chamber where that final fight took place was destroyed. But that destruction also revealed strange portal of shimmering blue light. None of the dragon-folk had enough courage to go through.

It seems to be way out of this dying planet. And according to that dragon we don't have much time left. Tremors could be felt quite often now. We asked him if we could ride him so we get to village faster. He agreed and after quick run through caves to the surface we finally took flight! It was mighty awesome! I could do it all day (was it not for impeding doom).

So we flown from settlement to settlement telling all that they should gather all their belongings and meet near that cave tomorrow evening if they want to live. Not all agreed to leave but most do. Who could tell no to their hero from legends riding mighty dragon!

Go to chapter 9


How I nearly quit Wurm

Wurm online is great game. Definitely game I spent most time with from all games I ever played. Its quite addicting. It have so many things you can master that even a few lifetimes wont be enough to try everything to the fullest.

When I started playing back in 2012 I immediately fell in love. Finally game where everything you do rewards you in its own way. I started small with just 1x1 wooden house just next public mine.

I slowly learned how to get along the game. It was quite a bit more difficult and unwelcome to new players that its now. Everything took great effort but that satisfaction was worth it when you reach your goal.

Then I moved a bit further away near shoreline. Made my 1st 3x3 stone house with a good friend of mine and started to claim area around. With every starter house in the area falling into disrepair I claimed a bit more until I had enough space to deed it.

Now I had place of my own with a way to grant permission to people what they can and cannot do there. I made my 1st 5x5 house with 2 story and felt I have more space than I ever need to work in.

I started farm, fruit orchard and small animal pen area. I learned slowly all as I went. I started to work on ships. Started selling knarrs with 100 raft each for around 30 silvers each. Along with other stuff I had left from skilling I get my 1st money.

Started buying enchanted tools, even spared for drake hide armour. Met great people around, joined a few alliances helped people around a lot. But with all that stuff going around, farm to tend, animals to groom, jobs to finish, deed to pay for, it started to look more like work than game. And I spent tremendous amounts of time in game (nearly 1/2 of my wake time).

It started to be boring. It was more like I need to get inside and do stuff when I paid for premium time (I bought a year of premium twice) and my personal life suffered quite considerably. So in December 2013 I decided I need a break. In a week or so I managed to sell all my stuff I had in game for $500 (so I get more money out of the game than I put in and even have some change left).

I was free at last! But not for long :) Once wurmian, wurmian for ever! But that's another story you can read here.


Story of my life - chapter 7

Go to chapter 6 (if you missed it)

Its a week from last entry already? This training is much more fun (at least for me) than days of boredom before. Something is finally happening! And we get better each passing day. Its more training of mind control than body, but exhausting nonetheless. I even train nearly all my day here. Nothing better to do anyway. Strange how fast we gain skill at controlling that mineral. Seems more like remembering something you knew long ago.

This grumpy old man that servers as out trainer is better in it than I expected from out first meeting. Seems he knows much about this strange mineral. Most of it is just legend stuff, but there are nice pieces of knowledge in it now and there. Anyhow, if you want to know, this mineral is some shattered brain or stuff from one of their gods (so that's why it can be controlled by mind?). I have not been paying too much attention - was playing with pendant circling my vessels head at that moment.

And those strange creatures from that cave are, you probably guessed it, dragons. They have no problem flying in such low gravity world. How they breathe fire he does not know. Probably something they feed on in cave. I'm no dragon biologist after all, and I have more interesting things to do than listening to tales.

Seems there was once upon a time some strange order of knights (how cliche) that was able to even ride those dragons. And seems they wore the same pendant as my vessel found in that cave. So many coincidences! They were fighting some ancient evil from underground (so there is something even beneath those dragons). But who cares after all, its still fun here!

I still don't know how much my vessel feels or hears me. He does not react by any loud thought or voice to my nudging but he seems to not resist it either like he get used to it and embraces my help.

As we get better at controlling this mineral, that fine blacksmith next door even created some harness equipped on my vessels chest that he can use to carry his weapons and stuff. But what is much more interesting, it have this mineral embedded and we can push it. It is not flying or levitating yet, but we can control our falling in air or jump further. Flying is nice when you have to fight flying creatures! But how cool it would be to ride them as those knights!

Next interesting thing is that with all that controlling of that mineral we somehow start to feel its presence. So gathering that mineral is much better and faster now. And good practice too. We need quite a lot of that mineral for weapons and armor. And its good for sale too. My trainer gets a cut so we all happy. And folks around are happy to see their hero from legends.

But today we heard strange roaring from deep down the cave during last gathering trip. Seems that our days of training are coming to an end.

Go to chapter 8


My take on dreams and intuition

Many of you probably asked one difficult question: What are dreams made of? Common answer is: No one knows. But do they? I'm not so sure. This is my theory on dreamscape. Suggestions welcome in comment section.

Investigating dreams is not easy - as I tried to describe in this post. When you do find out that you actually are in a dream you can start looking around. Seems strangely similar to quantum theory. You alter what you see by only looking at it (coincidence?). Not easy to get any detail.

So are dreams just a figment of your resting brain? I'd say more or less yes. I love term used in matrix - residual self image. It could be more accurate than it seems at first glance.

Everything you see in dreams is just your imagination. But even imagination must have source. It could be some recent event, book you read, movie you saw or game you played. But what about dreams of things you are sure you never saw before?

I believe that there is something like field of endless information you are able to tap in. It is not easy but you can do it. It is much easier when you sleep. When you awake its called intuition.

To be able to get some info out of this field you need to "try hard without pushing". Same way as I saw my past lives. Or how they say: fortune favors the prepared. Prepare best as you can then just wait and hope of ray of light.

Imagine what you want to know or what you want to see and then just clear your mind and wait or just do some mundane tasks that do not occupy your mind (manual labor, go to toilet, easy stuff) but be prepared to stop and write down anything that might be helpful.

It is similar with dreams. If you meditate before sleep you could alter what you get. Problem with dreams is that you only remember that one you wake from. So you could get the answer but forget it immediately. But its worth a shot, no?


Story of my life - chapter 6

Go to chapter 5 (if you missed it)

Today, out of pure boredom, I tried to move that pendant of my vessel with same thought command as in reality. And it moved! That was very surprising! My vessel was so shocked that he moved his arm towards it. When arm was near pendant - with me still trying to move it - it magically spring to his palm! That was quite something! He tore it off his neck and throw it away. But I was still trying to pull it in. It was quite magic to look at it slowing in air and reversing direction just before it fell down not far away.

I nudge him hard to move his arm as I do in reality. He was so shocked that he does not resisted at all. I gave him my thought command and with both of us pulling, pendant moved towards his arm.

We were playing with that pendant for better part of his day. In the evening we were so good that we could force push this pendant out of his hand (without him moving any muscle) with quite some speed out then catch it mid air a few meters out and bring it back to palm. Like a horizontal yo-yo without string.

Hope this will be more than a little gimmick he can show to girls trying to seduce them. When he was going back to inn for rest around local blacksmith we tried to move one of the swords he had lying on his workbench near forge. And it did spring to his hand easily. Now it starts to be interesting! That blacksmith was so shocked that he even that sword to him and told him he must visit local elder as he is some man from old legend or stuff. As it was not yet time to sleep and with nothing better to do anyway he went there.

Village elder was grumpy old man quite annoyed that someone tries to disturb him when he prepares himself for sleep. But his eyes widen as soon as my vessel shoved him trick with pendant. He was let in and elder starts to tell him local legend of some outsider coming from far away lands with weapons flying around him saving them from that strange menace coming once a year out of that cave river flows out of. And coincidentally that time is nigh. It can start any time in coming weeks. It sure will be interesting.

So my vessel agreed to train with that elder (why not - he offered free food and lodgings) and at least for now play this hero role. He can always flee if things get too hot around (maybe not even literary considering those scorch marks or palisade outside). What a day it was in the end!

Go to chapter 7


How I became wurmian

When you don't like reality, virtual reality is good place to hide (and to spend time before enjoying dream reality at night). Some games are better than other (depending to your individual taste). I ended up spending quite a significant portion of my "free" time on Wurm Online.

You can say its Minecraft for adults (and its not that far off - Notch even worked with Rolf on it before switching to more mainstream version). Wurm is not your average MMO. Everything in it takes time and sometimes quite significant time. Its one of those survival / crafting games of old (more than 10 years now running!) in medieval times with some magic. Genre that is getting to spotlight lately.

All skills (more than 130 of them in now - see for example my current character stats) are increased with use, so no levels as in standard RPG. When you just kill what you see you only get better in killing and still don't know a thing about building houses. Skilling most skills also improve body / mind / soul statistics. Those also help you survive (for example body stamina increases your HP).

Land is divided into squares 4x4 meters and its fully modifiable by players. Nearly all you can see around is player-owned and player-made (only a few NPC in starter town are provided, the rest is just untouched nature at start).

All Wurm servers are connected now. Every one is one island in big lake (fresh water you can drink). Sailing to border will get you to other servers. Most of those servers are PvE, just a few PvP (where players can kill you or steal you things from your corpse / house / deed).

For a newbie, it takes quite some time to get its bearings and start enjoying the game. Even building the most basic house is not easy. You need to:
  • find good place first (with some resources and water nearby) that is not owned by anybody (you can purchase - deed - land for in-game money)
  • find / make 1 flat tile (digging must be learned on flat land first to enable you to dig in greater slopes)
  • make 20 planks for each of 4 walls - you need to cut down some older trees (young trees do not give enough wood) to make logs then saw them to planks
  • find iron ore (in mines or rummage around), smelt it to iron lumps, make anvil and from more lumps create large nails, 1 set for each wall
  • plan your house with mallet (make one if you don't have already)
  • plan your 4 walls (don't forget doors)
  • attach all remaining planks to walls
  • great satisfaction when you finally done that all!
And that just a start. Imagine your first 8x8 tiles 13 floors mansion finely decorated and finished after a few months of hard work. But it all gets faster and easier with higher skills, higher quality tools and materials and knowledge.

Best thing about Wurm is its community. Always some people around that help you (whats crap for them is treasure for newbies) or even invite you to their village (to get your bearings faster in safer place). And people do commend you for your achievements because they know how hard is to get there.

This game is "unlimited demo". If you do not mind, that your skills are capped to 20% (and a lot of good stuff starts above that) you can play for free as long as you want. To get higher, you must pay for premium time (see official Wurm Online Shop). I paid 3rd day I was there.

As people know that getting high quality / quantity stuff is not easy, they pay you for your work. And you can then buy (after some months getting your way around) your premium time just by in-game work.

Its now more than 5 years ago I discovered this marvel. I don't play it now continuously, but in small doses (always 1 or 2 months premium then 1 or 2 months pause) and I love it! Maybe you will like it too?

And if you want to know how I fared in Wurm, you can read it here.


Story of my life - chapter 5

Go to chapter 4 (if you missed it)

It slowly starts to be boring. Its like very long film with quite dumb main hero. So I try to nudge my vessel more to not be so clueless when it comes to women or business agreements. And I'm getting better at it. That means probably less boredom in future!

As I don't have much to do in reality too (most of work is done by robots controlled by my tireless AI), I just out of pure curiosity tried scanning this little rock for thermal anomalies. As you may remember that strange metal in my dream world was radiating some heat. And to my complete surprise I actually found it!

That means, that my theory about me being on chunk of rocks that long time ago were planet my vessel is on was actually true! That theory was so crazy that I even did not want to write about it here. But now it seems quite plausible. Fast rotation, slow round trip around sun, nearly frozen and sun being around the same size as here in reality. Very interesting find! So my connection to my vessel seems a little less random event than before.

My robots gathered a few chunks of that ore and brought it near. Scanner was not showing anything unusual about them - only heat. That little luminiscence was not source of any known type of radiation - so I hope its not bad for my health (it certainly was not lethal for my vessel or his kin).

Strange was, that scanner was not able to tell me what this mineral is composed of. Only that its some boring silicates with iron. Nothing more, nothing less. So I took it inside my little habitat. But the biggest surprise ever had yet to come.

When I was ordering my robot to fetch me one of those pieces lying on far table I saw that that damn rock started moving towards me. It sure is very low gravity here so not much force needed to actually move it, but still. Its first ore that can be moved by thought!

I started to experiment with it a bit and it seems that its responding to my implant with which I order my robots around or tune my bed. Interesting is that force seems to be higher when I point my hand at it with open palm fingers stretched pointing up trying hard to suck it in. And I'm definitely getting better at it with practice.

This ore can make me rich! Seems that fortune finally smiled at me. For first time in my life! But I wont tell anyone just yet. More have to be discovered about it first! At least now I have stuff to do during day. And I still enjoy my nights with my vessel. I don't think I can connect to him on any other bed than this one here.

Go to chapter 6


Why I hate reality

One of my friends, after reading some of my posts here, was asking me why I hate reality so much. I said to him that I don't hate it per se, but I do prefer virtual reality and/or dreams. So whats bad about reality? Here is my little rant about it. This post will be different from my other posts here so you can skip it if you want to. I promise it won't happen again (at least not in near future).

What I hate about our current reality the most are politics. And especially politic (so called social engineers) that think they are better and more clever than common "plebs". Sometimes they are right, but that don't make them elite. They want to think for you, make your life easier. They encourage you to hazard with your life with subsidized health care. They don't want you to spare your money, because consumption means more taxes for them. They punish you for sparing with inflation, quantitative easing, interventions on currency market, ...

There are so many laws that no one is able to know them all and behave according to them. Its good for politics and lawyers - you need them to interpret laws for you. And if they really want to catch you, they will always find a way in some obscure regulation.

Vote us, you don't need to be thinking anymore. We will think for you. We know whats best for you. We know it much better than yourself. Spend all you damn money. If you don't have enough, borrow more and spend them all. We want all your money so we can buy your vote, feed all those bureaucrats and buy all and everyone we want. That's how politics work. And it does not seem to change anytime soon.

That is not free. It has big impact on crowdifying people, stripping them of free will, thought and all money in the form of taxes. Do you really want it?

And that's how MS Windows work (I hate all that MS did in last 10-15 years - basically all after Office 2003). We know much better than you how you want to use our system and we forbid you from changing it easily. For lamers, as you definitely all are, our settings are the best. We will force you to use that damn mobile system (Windows 10) so you will buy our phones too. Pay us for system and then give us all your data so we can force you ads. And we will not nudge back a bit, because we know we are right, not market and definitely not you, the User. And you need to use that because there is no viable substitute as of now for desktop OS (definitely not for general public). One of those companies where marketing works much harder than developers.

I could go on and on for a bit more, but I better stop here. Yeah, I hate quite a few aspects of our reality. No load / save and skills can go down too! Not fair! That's why I prefer virtual reality.


Story of my life - chapter 4

Go to chapter 3 (if you missed it)

Strange coincidence, strange indeed. My vessel (I kinda like that term) seems to have accepted a job just day before I first connected to him. But some explanation is needed before (as usual).

Seems that people in this valley fear going to that cave system from where that main river flows out. At first I attributed that to some lowly superstition going to dark place where lava is close to surface, steam going out from fissures, hot water flows out and generally being "close to hell". But it seems that some strange creatures actually live there somehow feeding from heat and going out to open only to mate (so probably that was the main reason of heavy scorched fortification!).

To make matters even more complicated, you can collect some strange ore there that when added to iron ore in quite small quantities, make resulting tools much more durable. That bettered iron is easily shaped when glowing hot, but very resilient and strangely lightweight when cold (tools can be made very thin). So some do overcome their fear and venture into that cave to get that very sought after element. But not everyone comes out alive.

And here comes my vessel's job. He was tasked to venture in and apart from bounty for that element he was offered money to look for a missing relative of that job giver. Maybe from foolishness of youngsters or from promise of good payment he accepted. He went there and after a bit of cautious exploration he found that relative dead. His corpse was badly burned. His whole bottom half was looking like coal. That must have been immense heat to cause such burns. My vessel took his backpack with some element, his pendant he wore around his neck and with much relieve he run out.

But why I'm writing about some random job in the first place you ask. That pendant or medailon looked very familiar to me. He wore it around his neck from that day as his lucky charm. So when I woke up I checked net, but nothing there. And then it struck me like lightning. It have engraved exact pattern like that I used that day to tune my bed.

It was a bit melted as it was partially in path of that flame that burned that poor soul to death, but pattern was clearly visible. Seems that it was shaped from that element itself. It was a bit warm to touch glowed slightly in the dark. Looked very magical!

Go to chapter 5


My past lives

In my 2nd post here (How I get here) I wrote about meditations about visiting our past lives. That one most interesting to me was already described there. Now I would like to talk about other things that I saw on that weekend.

One of the first tasks we had was to find our spiritual guide. Venturing in astral world, especially to your past lives can be dangerous. Its always nice to have someone watching over you. Mine was some small nice gnome, that likes to sit on my left shoulder and whisper wisdom to my ear. Sometimes it was more fun than wisdom and he seems quite cynical at times, but he would never hurt me (at least I hope).

One of the first life I saw in more detail (more than just a few incoherent pictures) was around 1900 in our capital. I was a street girl (yeah, very funny name) and I quite liked it (me looking to that life). I even saw my own death in that particular past life. I was bound on a cross and some customer beat me to death. My spiritual guide commented it "He will like that even better now" (he meant that customer). And I liked it too. Death was very emotional and releasing moment for me (finally I'm done with that!).

My next life was son of a rich man somewhere in a sunny town near the sea. I have not seen much from that life, only my death (strange) and a few moments before that. I was driving fast car directly towards a wall.

My third life in last century is this one. Our guru said to me when we spoke after that meditation, that its very unusual that someone had 3rd life in just one century. Seems that there is not enough souls "out there" to let them rest between lives. Because life is like a punishment for a soul. Or more like a obstacle on a long journey for knowledge.

Last meditation was about seeing our own birth in this particular life. I was like flying high above and selecting some newly forming body as my vessel. I really don't know, why I selected this one (or if it was somehow pre-selected - probably not). It was quite painful experience. That slow process of forgetting all I had known as a soul. My last thought was "it will take long time again to learn how to operate this body!".

Interesting is that soul finds its target body not long before birth. So it seems that Christians that are against abortions or experimenting on fetus are not right. Child before birth is not much more than animal before soul settles in.


Story of my life - chapter 3

Go to chapter 2 (if you missed it)

Life at Uda (that's the name of the valley he now lives in) is not very easy. Not many people live there. I have seen only a few small settlements (I guess up to 20 people each) quite heavily fortified. Most live by central river (or larger spring) that runs from a cave full of hot springs. All around are high mountains barely passable with lots of snow and harsh cold weather. Seems that my vessel (that's how I call him now - strange is that he does not tell his name to anyone) is one of the few he traversed from one valley to another. It seems that its some kind of tradition for young men to go to other valleys from time to time (not sure yet on details) to found family there. And not many survive that.

As I already said, sun shines much less here. It does not seem that its some northern region of Earth, because sun shines from quite up on the sky, not near horizon. Days seem much shorter too. Around 1/3 or Earth day. So my standard sleep time is more or less his wake time.

Looks like this planet have much lower gravity too. Trees grow tall (at least trees are very similar to our own, just taller), creatures jump far, lots of them are flying easily. Most are similar to what I have seen in movies, but some are very different. But I get to that later.

People live in some kind of feudal society here. I have not yet seen any advanced technology. But I have seen only this valley and only for a few days. So maybe those people are some exception. But no one know or talks about any different means of life. So probably those valleys are so separated that they just don't know about any other life.

I have yet to see why those settlements are so heavily fortified. I have not seen any dangerous animal and my vessel is sleeping under a tree outside without much fear. But I have seen some strange scorch marks on those wooden palisades. But no one talked about it yet. I will see in time.

My vessel is wandering around the valley, hunts for food, gathers some berries, does some small jobs for people in various settlements and mainly looks for his new wife. But he is quite bad at getting girls attention and seducing them. And there are not many suitable wives to start with. So he is not happy with his progress and is deciding for quite some time what to do next and where to go.

It seems that me connecting to him was not some strange coincidence, as I have found just past night. But I will talk about it next time. Its still a bit hazy and I need to get some more info from my vessel first. So good night and I'm on my way to know more.

Go to chapter 4


I believe I can fly...

... in dreams. Its really frustrating when you suddenly wake up from a dream and you know that just moments ago you knew how to fly or do some even weirder stuff and now it does not work at all. It should work just by bending your hand that way and then stretching this way as it worked just a minute ago!

Did you ever tried same things as you did in dream what if all of the sudden it starts working again? And it does not. For most of the time anyway. And if it does work somehow (it did happen to me a few times already), you realize, that you woke in a dream into yet another dream. Confusing? As dreams usually are.

I have dreams with flying quite often. At least once a week (or maybe more, but you do not remember all of them - only if you wake up dreaming it). Interesting is that flying is different in some of them. I would say there are at least 2 repeating patterns.

The easier one if you just imagine where you want to fly and you start moving there. You have to push mentally, but still nothing exhausting. Easy to hover in air or to go down and get speed, then you can fly a bit higher than before. Gaining height is not that easy, but doable.

Harder one is also more strange. Seen that quite a few times in my dreams already. Imagine air filled with invisible elastic strings roughly copying earth shape underneath. So if you jump up and do *some weird stuff with your mind*, you can actually land on one of those and remain suspended in air like on a slack-line. Then you can easily slide along those strings down the hill. Fun!

What is more interesting about this "string theory" that you can manipulate them with hand movements too and it works nearly as good as telekinesis. You just visualize that particular string connecting your open hand with desired item and suck it in your palm getting that item with it. Or you can just play with those strings moving items around. When connected with flying its quite amusing and its quite interesting to see other dream-goers around looking at it with awe!


Story of my life - chapter 2

Go to chapter 1 (if you missed it)

OK, I felt asleep yesterday thinking about how to continue with my diary posts. That really first one was kinda strange and out of place, don't you think? So I should make a few things clear to someone out there who may actually read this - if I ever decide to publish those!

I hadn't touched my bed controls since then to somehow not disturb this strange connection. I even installed locking plugin so I cannot touch them mentally and it needs actually pressing them with finger now to change settings (Can you believe that? Real manual control folks! So retro!).

Since then I was in his body every night. Strangely I felt rested when I woke up to my reality. I wonder if he sees my life when he is sleeping. I'm getting quite fond of him. He really tries to find him suitable wife, but he usually fails miserably. Better than my romantic films!

I cannot control him while he is awake (yeah, I forgot to tell you that its *his* body I occupy while I'm sleeping). I'm more like a passenger. He went far from his home village to find him a woman of his dreams (strange coincidence - I'm a woman dreaming of him!). He is on his journey for quite some time already it seems. I can hear some of his thoughts when I really focus or when he is "thinking loudly". I can hear, see or smell all he does. If I try really hard, I can influence him a bit. Especially when he is resting, relaxing or somehow not controlling himself fully. That how I was able to open his eyes that first day.

That place is quite strange. Sun is shining less than on Earth. It's strangely similar to how I see sun from windows of my lonely habit sitting on my little piece of land. I bought this asteroid for my last money to be part of this last Golden rush. Its lawless world out here, but much better than that world full of stupid laws and even more stupid bureaucrats and ecoterrorists. Its everyone for himself here in asteroid field, but its better than down there. No one will go check your papers up here.

Its getting lonely here - only me, my mining robots and my sometimes too chatty AI that is getting care of nearly everything here. Yeah, I can chat with nearly anybody down there but this communication lag gets annoying. And I don't have many friends down there to start with. So its usually me here working or looking at old films. But its now much better when I have real film every night.

But I will stop talking about myself. That other world is much more interesting than mine! But I'm too sleepy now, so next time...

Go to chapter 3


On dreams and how to control them

Dreams are very fine field of study. Anyone can do it every day. Every time you find something new. But first thing is to get better at finding out you are actually in a dream. I found a few methods to be quite reliable:
  • you can do things you normally can't - flying, telekinesis - you name it
  • everything is a bit hazy and hard to concentrate on details
  • if you focus on something it changes - you cannot read in a dream (or you can but every word changes as you read it)
  • scenes changes too fast and in strange way they don't stitch together well
So if you can fly, its unfortunately a dream. I mean fly by moving your body by your own will from one place to another without the use of some elaborate machine (but even that is cool!). But knowing you are in a dream have its advantages too - you can change it, bend it to your will. Great thing about controlling dreams is no more nightmares! But only if you are good at revealing that you are in a dream.

Imagine this - I can fly, that means this is a dream. If I'm in a dream, I should be able to go through solid wall! You smash your face to one nearby and it works! It is not easy to pass it even in a dream - more like going through thick honey, but it is doable (tested - in my dream just yesterday - or was it yesternight?). And quite interesting is - you don't need to breathe in there, so no problem to go through even very thick walls.

There are quite a lot of levels of dreams. You can think of them as how real and vivid that particular dream seems. The more real dream is, the tougher is to find out its actually a dream.

Next interesting thing about dreams is how fast you forget what they were about. Its nice to have block (or blog - on phone) near bed and make notes about interesting stuff immediately you wake up. 

The more real that dream seems the easier is to remember it even after long years. I still remember one dream I had still as a child. It was one of the most realistic ones I ever had. It was quite short. Just one scene (that made it even harder to find out its a dream when you in it).

I was standing in my parents bedroom looking out of the window and I saw there alien ship slowly flying over neighbors house. It looked like a big glowing zeppelin with strange shiny lines all over it slowly rotating around long axis. I was really glad they finally showed!